Archive for June, 2018

PENDER COUNTY - The Wilmington Shark and Pender County Tourism is teaming up to host Pender County Night, July 28. All youth softball and baseball leagues will get free admission, including coaches. “I think we’ve hit a home run with Pender County Night at the Wilmington Sharks,” said Tammy Proctor, tourism director. “Anyone wishing to attend can purchase discounted tickets online for...

Sea Turtle Hospital News Those crazy Kemp’s are still going after our local pier pickings. They’re being snagged so quickly that we no sooner get one in, “de-hook” them and get them settled in a tank than we’re getting another phone call with one or more en-route. Veteran anglers pretty much know the drill by now, but if it’s your first close-up with a hooked turtle the two most...